More and better recycling
We're standardising household waste and recycling services across the state. This will make it easier for people to sort materials at home so we can get more value from our precious resources and reduce waste and landfill.
Households that receive waste and recycling services from local councils and Alpine Resorts Victoria (ARV), will have access to the new standardised 4-stream system with separate services for:
- glass recycling
- food organics and garden organics (FOGO)
- mixed recycling
- general rubbish.
Separation of household waste and recycling into the 4 material streams helps reduce contamination. It increases the volume and quality of materials we can recover for recycling and reuse and allows us to get the most value from our resources.
Victorian householders currently send 4 million tonnes of material to landfill each year. This new system will significantly reduce this unsustainable amount of waste.
Setting the standard for better recycling at home
Household waste and recycling services will be regulated by Recycling Victoria via regulations and a service standard made under the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 (the CE Act).
The CE Act requires councils and ARV to provide the 4-stream services to households. The service standard will set out how councils and ARV must deliver these services.
Transition to the new system is underway
We are working closely with councils and ARV to support the transition to the new system. We are providing funding and assisting with planning and implementation processes, roll-out of new bins, delivery of critical infrastructure, and drop-off point upgrades.
Councils and ARV will determine what is best for their communities, consistent with the service standard. Households will access the four-stream system either through kerbside bins or a drop-off service.
Bin lids for each stream will also be colour-coded:
- purple for glass recycling
- lime green for FOGO
- yellow for mixed recycling
- red for general rubbish.
Councils will decide on bin sizes and collection frequency which will vary, depending on local circumstances.

Victorians are helping shape the new system
June-August 2024: Consultation on proposed regulations and service standard
Sept-Oct 2022: Consultation on service standard framework and discussion paper
Nov 2021-Jan 2022: Consultation on standard lists
For more information regarding past and current engagements, visit Engage Victoria.